Supporting Your Daughter in the BeTween Years

September 24, 2022

They aren’t your baby anymore but there are still several years of transitioning into an adult. There are lots of changes happening, emotions can be all over the place and stress can be high. Here are some key areas that you can focus on to help make this transition a bit easier.

  1. Hydration. We know we all need to drink more water. The body needs water to function properly – which makes sense given that we are made up of 50 – 65% of the stuff and the brain alone is 75% water! The benefits of maintaining hydration are far-reaching; it helps with digestion, brain function, circulation, hormones, nerves and even skin health. Your goal should be drinking half your weight in ounces daily.
  2. Nutrition. How can we squeeze in more fruits and vegetables and make it fun? As parents, we all want to give our children the best start in life that we possibly can. We know it’s important to fuel their growing bodies and minds so they can get the most out of each day. Eating well is about balance and flexibility. Grazing trays are a hit in our household.
  3. Sleep. Our bodies simply cannot function properly without enough sleep. Sleep and daily rhythms impact our metabolism. Bedtime routines are king. With proper sleep our body can better manage stress hormones, our metabolism can function normally, our body cleanses itself of things that aren’t good for us and our mind has time to calm and reset.
  4. Movement. Moving everyday, no matter how we choose to move, will keep us flexible, more relaxed and grounded. Kids and teenagers should get at least 1 hour of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day.

Here from one mom how she helps support her daughter.
